Thursday, December 22, 2011

Worth as the Baby Jesus

Worth, age 2 months, is going to be in his first motion picture event this Christmas.  He is the baby Jesus in the Christmas Pageant at St. Johns!  As his godmother, I am VERY proud!

Isn't he the sweetest?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Maybe Christmas, Perhaps, Means a Little Bit More!

I remember my mom mentioning how tiring it was to prepare for Christmas.  I also remember rolling my eyes when she mentioned it (teenagers are so supportive).  Christmas should be about joy and anticipation...right?

I still believe that it SHOULD be about those things..but I now understand how easy it is to get amped up!  The decorations, the malls, the tree, the lights on the tree, the CARDS, the whole lot of it.  As I slowly turn into my mother...I am infinitely more grateful for her work to make our Christmases so jolly!

Despite my tiredness and griping (Christmas grinchiness, if you will) -  I believe that decorating for the holidays is well worth the time spent.*  This year we have a very pretty tree covered in white lights (an ode to the Richardsons - who we will miss this Christmas).  It is also covered with ornaments that have meaning to us and ours:  Tack and my first Christmas ornament a gift from Juba and Stuart - pictures of little Tacka through grade school - ornaments painted by my grandmother - an ornament from our honeymoon - and the list goes on!  There are many reminders of our blessings from the past years - and available space for new reminders! 

*Tacka please remind me of this post when the griping commences next year....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Purchased! Attached is my first photo! Picture is obviously enhanced by dusty's supreme stud-li-ness! Excited for what is to come....

Monday, November 7, 2011


I was finally able to meet Katherine Claybrook Turnbull!  She is such a little nugget!  I was there for over an hour and she just slept and snuggled!  Not one peep - not even when she was changed! 

Mom and Dad looked fantastic!  They made it seem so easy - you would think that they were operating on a full night sleep!

Congratulations to Sarah and Ned!  We are so excited about the first little girl! She is Beautiful!!! 

Friday, October 28, 2011


This past weekend - after a slow start -  Lizzie and I made our way to L'burg to meet Worth, my sweet godson!  I am totally biased, but he is perfect!  He was such a little stinker - healthy, sleepy, and loving!

I could not be more proud of Kate - she handled childbirth like an old pro.  I lived with Kate for 7 years...despite my hot-headed temperament...our apt was a no fuss zone.  However, I thought that this might be different.  This was bigger and infinitely more stressful than our run-of-the-mill college antics. We always joked that she was born for this - but it seems even more true now that Worth has arrived!

Worth, you have so many people that love you!!  We cant wait to see who you become!!

Happy Halloween!

Little Little...why are you so cute?!?   You are supposed to be SPOOKY on Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Look

There is just no getting around hair had gotten too long.  When given the appropriate amount of attention, it looked nice!  On any normal day, it looked less than nice.  Let's be honest....there is no reason to have Middleton locks if you are not going to style and/or cant afford to get it styled by a team of professionals. 

After months of ponytails and buns - the pressure of an impending conference - and an itch for a new look...voila!

Go big or go home! Right?  

The best part of my new look - I was able to donate my Kate Middleton Hair to Locks for Love!  Happy Cancer Awareness Month!!!