Monday, July 11, 2011

I know, I know...

I am shaping up to be a poor blogger.  No posts in 12 days!!! 

My Excuse:
I spent the past 10 days on St.Simon's Island with family!  Yes, I could have blogged while on vacay.  However, I was hesitant to break rule one of the Richardson Family Social Media Policy - "Thou shall not discuss vacation plans on any social media site in advance of said vacation."

Rule one is the ONLY rule in the Richardson Family Social Media Policy, which makes it very important.  I think that advertising your vacation is not only braggadocios (the ppl reading your blog are likely at work ) - it is unsafe!

A pre-vacation blog post is similar to putting a note on your door that says,

"Dear Robbers,

Welcome!  Please see below for a diagram showing how to locate my Hide-a-Key!  

The Richardsons 

PS: I have some milk in the fridge that might go bad - we are going to be gone for a LONG time - please help yourself!"

Apologies to my loyal readers (all 5 of you)!  In my defense, I have been brainstorming topics while I have been away!


  1. Hahaha. I wish Bobbie was able to use the Internet.

  2. Damn- I actually know where your hide-a-key is and I should've used it!!!! :)

  3. please post pictures from st. simons!
