Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I grew up thinking that squirrels were sweet woodland creatures that snacked on nuts and berries.  That was before I met the Alexandria Squirrel, a ferocious scavenger.

Let's start at the very begining...

One of the exciting things about homeownership is that you have a place to put your pumpkins and welcome trick-or-treaters.  My first year in Alexandria (renting), I bought loads of candy for the local kids.  We did not have a single trick-or-treater.  It was very sad - and fattening.

Last October, Tack and  I purchased three pumpkins at a church sale.  As I was displaying them on my porch, I noticed that we were the only house with pumpkins.  Odd?   I thought so too!  In actuality, my neighbors are not mean spirited…they are seasoned squirrel fighters.

Tack found the carnage when he left for work the next morning.  The squirrels had eaten half of the large pumpkin during the night.  When we came home from work they were out there – chowin’ down.  They would even look at you and keep eating.  WTF?

Fast Forward...
When we were planting our garden this spring – we saw this small plant growing by our door.  My mother-in-law said that the previous owners must have planted a squash in the flower bed.    It was not until a few weeks ago that my neighbor said, “I like your pumpkin plant!”  Those dang squirrels planted a pumpkin patch in our yard!  It is VERY tacky, but we don’t have the heart to tear it out.  I would like to introduce….

Around the same time that we discovered that we had pumpkin patch, we also noticed that something was clawing at Dusty’s food bin (pictured below).  I thought it was a raccoon.  It was not until a few days later that I walked out the door and a damn squirrel was eating the rubbermade container and looking at me as if I interrupted.  WTF?

Moral of the story: BEWARE OF SQUIRRELS!  They are dangerous!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Can't wait for you to supply me with my halloween pumpkin, straight from your pumpkin patch!

