Monday, September 12, 2011

Ground Zero Memorial

The task of reminding our country, and the rest of the world, what was lost in the attacks on September 11th and how we have rebuilt our individual lives and our national spirit seemed like an impossible challenge – but I thought that the Ground Zero Memorial struck all of the right chords.  It is both personal and universal.  It is representative of the emptiness that was left in place of the twin towers and the depth of loss that was felt by the people affected.  Further, the Freedom Tower stands as a symbol for rebuilding, perseverance, and a tangible rejection of violence as a tactic for destroying our national fabric.  I pray that this memorial is a place of comfort and reflection for the people that lost family members, friends and colleagues in the 9/11 attacks.

Ground Zero Memorial by Night: 

I also pray that seeing the memorial and watching the national response to the 10th anniversary of these attacks - gave hope and resolve to our military and their families who continue to make sacrifices to prevent further action against the USA and our ideals.  

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