Thursday, September 8, 2011

August was just a bad month to blog...

I am not exactly sure why it seemed infinitely more difficult to blog in August vs. June - but it did seem more difficult!!

Perhaps it is because…..

the royal family has been hunkering down, or
I have no good  news to share about my house (which happens to be flooding as we speak), or
my pumpkin patch died at the hands of a particularly vicious squirrel, or
we have not seen much of Sophia The Sweet, or
I joined pinterst, which has provided a new SoMe fix, or
I have been flat lazy

Most likely it is because….

August was full of fun adventures, beautiful weddings, and Tack’s Birthday (translation:  I was having too much fun to stop and blog about it), or
I have been flat lazy

Since laziness is not something to aspire to...I am going to go with...Too Much Fun!!! 


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