Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sisters, Sisters....

I am a huge fan of show tunes.  "Show tunes" is my favorite musical genre second only to pop!  However, this video was not included in an attempt to highlight my love of musical theater, Christmastime, or the Haynes sisters! 

I included this masterpiece as a means for introducing my sister, Julie.  Julie is... older!  hehe – I kid!  Julie is....a wonderful writer, a fashion merchandiser by trade, an amazing cook, the wife of a blogger, and an overall taste guru!

Yesterday, Julie called me to discuss the blog!  She is the only reason that "Snappy Casual" has more than 15 page views (very supportive).  She was also quick to point out my grammatical errors.  Yikes! 

As I was considering the merits of having Julie (also referred to as "Juba" or "Jules") as my editor - It occurred to me -  Juba should be a regular contributor to Snappy Casual!  In many ways, Julie is the Yin to my Yang.  We have many similarities but we have different interests, strengths, and personalities. 

After some heavy coaxing - she has agreed to contribute to "Snappy Causal" as a guest blogger and editor!   I can say with confidence that our readers will be excited to find - better grammar, fresh topics, and a little less of! 

Jules, welcome to the blogosphere.  I am so excited that you will be making your debut on Snappy Casual!  Olivia, you are next!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Light Treat!

I spent last night catching up with my good friend, Margee!  Luckily, she was in charge of the menu.  Margee is a great cook -  I am a huge fan of her chocolate and peanut butter buckeyes (Surprise! Surprise! Margee is an Ohio Native and avid Ohio State Football Fan) - but last night she treated me to something much lighter!  I thought that I sould share the wealth!

Spinach Chicken Salad - a la Margee! 


  • 5 cups cubed cooked chicken (about 3 whole breasts)
  • 2 cups green grape halves
  • 1 cup snow peas
  • 2 cups packed torn spinach
  • 2-1/2 cups sliced celery
  • 7 ounces spiral pasta or elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
  • 1 jar (6 ounces) marinated artichoke hearts, drained and quartered
  • 1/2 large cucumber, sliced
  • 3 green onions with tops, sliced
  • Large spinach leaves, optional
  • Oranges slices, optional
  • 1/2 cup canola oil
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried minced onion
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley


  • In a large bowl, combine the chicken, grapes, peas, spinach, celery, pasta, artichoke hearts, cucumber and green onions. Cover and refrigerate. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the remaining ingredients; shake well. Cover and refrigerate.
  • Just before serving, shake dressing and pour over salad; toss to coat. If desired, serve on a spinach leaf and garnish with oranges. Yield: 8-10 servings.
Light! Healthy! Delicious! Hats off to the Chef!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bragging Rights

This my niece chillin by the pool.  Taking a little nap.  Catching some rays. 

Blowouts and Burgers (or lack thereof)

I have been borderline obsessed with the royal family from a young age. 

With that said, you can imagine that since HRH Prince Wills announced that he was marrying Kate Middleton - my love affair with all things royal has been rekindled.  Thanks to my favorite trashy publications and blogs (People, US Weekly, and PopSugar), I have been able to get more than enough tid bits about the newlyweds.  Some of the tidbits have been VERY useful, such as:

The importance of a "blowout."  Kate doesn’t roll out of bed with a perfect "curtain" of hair.  She has her stylist blow-dry her hair before big events.  This is a pretty cost effective way to up the ante.   I am a recent adopter and rave supporter of the blowout.

Even though I think that Kate is gorg -I have noticed that she is looking seriously skinny these days.  Admittedly, her svelte figure has inspired me to get of my noticeably-larger-post-wedding rear to the gym (please see TaeBo post).  However, I dont think that Kate has so much as looked at a carb since they announced their engagement.  I think that she is going to make those Hollywood types feel like fatties. 

Exhibit A:  Let’s examine Kate's Wimbledon outfit from yesterday
Please keep in mind:

1.  The camera adds 10lbs
2.  She is wearing white
3.  She has a ruffle at her hipline.

Given all of these potentially unflattering elements - she should not look like a malnourished teen!!!

I hope that Kate is able to hit up "In and Out" burger during your trip to LA!  In the meantime,  I will be dialed in to see what she wears on her trip to North America!  Bon Voyage Kate and Wills!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No. Try not. Do or Do not. There is no Trying.

About a month ago, my gym announced that Billy Blanks was coming to Old Town Sport and Health to teach a few TaeBo Classes!  I know, what a Coup!  (Coincidentally, BB is promoting a new work out that incorporates EVIL “cardio resistance bands”  into the traditional Tae Bo work out.   This leads me to believe that it was less of a coup and more of a stop on a long promo tour – but let’s not split hairs. )

Even though I just started Tae Bo class – and typically look like an idiot with a leg twitch – I decided to sign up!  This decision was followed by a lot of anxiety about looking bad front of Billy Blanks.   I shared this fear with my sister.  Our exchange went something like this:

Me:  “Juba, I need to prepare for Billy”
Juba:  “Yeah,  you should purchase a Billy Blanks DVD to practice.  If that fails go to lululemon and get a cute TaeBo outfit.”

Advice noted.

This Saturday was this big event.  Billy Blanks was everything that I expected and more.   He introduced the packed class to his EVIL cardio resistance bands, did a little traditional TaeBo, and ended with a motivational speech!  I cant share all of his wisdom in this post.  However, the title of this blog post is just a little teaser.

“No. Try not. Do or Do not.  There is no Trying."
                          - Billy Blanks and Yoda

I know what you are thinking…what do Billy Blanks and Yoda have in common?

1.       Yoda trained Luke Skywalker.  Billy Blanks has trained…me and Maura, my good friend.
2.       Yoda is bald.  Billy Blanks is Bald.
3.       You can watch Yoda on DVD.  Billy Blanks is also on DVD.

Enough said.  Thanks Billy!

Friday, June 17, 2011


I have decided to blog.

I have not decided.....

1. Why am I writing a blog
2. What I intend to discuss on this blog
3. Who will actually read my blog
4. How long my flirtation with blogging will last

Note: I am not operating under the illusion that I have anything particularly smart or witty to say - but I feel unsaid social pressure to "get with the times!"